Tag: L3
Missing L3 Hut Found (demolished)
by balleman on Apr.11, 2010, under Technology
While hiking this weekend partly along the suspected area of the long-since-defunct Bedford-Harrisburg L3 cable, I found the apparent demolished remains of one of the repeater huts that had eluded me up to this point. As they all are, it was not far off the road, near the top of the mountain at Upper Strasburg. Guard rails have since been erected in front of what would have been it’s very small level parking area. Nearby there were also portions of exposed L3 cable that had apparently been covered in rocks instead of buried below grade. Really awesome, though unintentional, finds!
The map has been updated.

Demolished L3 Repeater Hut

Exposed L3 cable
1 visited, 1 found, 1 missing
by balleman on Sep.12, 2004, under Technology
On Saturday, Chris and I visited and photographed the coax hut I found last week. Driving around afterward, trying to cover the area indicated by plotting an area between three and four miles from the last hut, we found another one near Fannettsburg. There’s still a gap in the area though, but it could be one or two huts, depending on the actual cable path. So far, no luck, but perhaps more expeditions later this week or next.
Laboring a bit on Labor Day Weekend
by balleman on Sep.06, 2004, under Happenings, Hiking, Technology
Getting some stuff done this labor day, or trying to. Washed and vacuumed the car, swapped out the radio for the one from Chris’s car (now I have a working tape deck, woo!), put a tarp over part of the treehouse’s roof (need to put another one there, too), and so forth. This wasn’t all I did though. We had a breakfast picnic for Katelyn’s birthday on Sunday morning (she’ll be 16…) and today I went hiking on the Tuscarora Trail near Cowan’s Gap state park. The view from the overlook was rather dismal, given that it was all fog/cloud, no vista. It did rain a bit on me on the return trip. I took a different route home… and guess what was along the side of the road? No, not a rattlesnake. A coax repeater hut! In a forested area near state forest land! An expedition will be planned shortly, I’m sure.