The Treehouse Blog

Unfreakin’ Believable

on May.16, 2006, under Networking

There are good networking problems. These are the kind that something happens that you don’t understand. You mull over it, eventually diagram out the different layers of the various protocol stacks, and discover that things are working exactly as designed, just not as you expected. Ian and I uncovered an example of this kind of problem a few years back at CTI. There was a periodic surge in broadcast traffic on our LAN destined for a specific box. After ruling out all of the various NAT rules and such going on, we eventually found the simple cause. The box was not sending any packets of its own. So, the switch had no forwarding entry for it. So it did what switches are supposed to do in that case: broadcast the packet. Coming to those kind of conclusions is fun.

There are at least three kinds of bad networking problems. The first is when something is evil by design. An infamous example of this would be the error measurements in the DS1-MIB. Absolutely useless when it comes to making time-series graphs, or setting event thresholds. The design seems to have been one of convenience, since the quantities represented date back to the first of the DS1 channel banks. Anachronistic design sucks.

Another type of evil networking problem is one that is seemingly random. Everyone knows that one of the first steps in troubleshooting is knowing what steps are needed to reproduce the problem. With random events, you’re essentially screwed. Turn up the debugging until it gets painful and wait for the event to recur, and pray you captured something useful when and if it does. DDOS attacks and the like can fall into this category, especially for those of us without the ability to do meaningful flow logging. Tracking down random problems is evil.

The third category of networking problems I feel like discussing this evening is the unreasonable problem. This is the non sequitur, the problem that makes you yell futilely at your terminal or coworker, from the complete and utter ridiculousness of it. If you manage to solve one of these, you might end up with a good networking problem, as described above. Or you might want to take a sledge hammer to a piece of hardware. Let’s explore some examples:

Near the end of my CTI experience, a certain Astrocom CSU/DSU was observed having a most unlikely problem. If I remember correctly, it somehow would drop packets over a certain size. A most improbable feat considering that your average CSU/DSU should not really have any concept of what a packet is, let alone be able to drop one. Patrick offered a bounty on the problem, but as far as I know, it was never solved.

The last example is the reason I am writing tonight. Last summer at Doug‘s LAN party, I had difficulties copying large files to my desktop machine. I eventually blamed it on my patch cord, but by that time we were packing things up, so this was never really tested. Even before this, I was having trouble sending large print jobs to my printer. I quickly blamed this on the network card in the printer, or some postscript oddities, but never came to a solution.

Later, when trying to use my desktop as a file server for a CentOS install, I realized that my network issue with my desktop was ongoing. Traffic analysis indicated that during a high speed transfer coming from my desktop to another machine, the connection would stop passing packets. Packets on other TCP connections between the same machines were unaffected, but subsequent retries of packets associated with the dead connection were getting dropped somewhere. Since this seemed to be connection related, firewall settings were verified and found to be fine. I let the problem fester, as it was not causing any day-to-day difficulties, since my desktop isn’t ordinarily sending large amounts of data, just receiving.

So, this evening I was talking with Doug about printer stuff, and he made a connection that I had been missing. Was my printer problem related to my network problem? And what about all of those problems with NFS in the recent past? Yes, they all sound like candidates. With that late realization, I delved into the annoying network problem. I replaced the network card. The problem persisted. The cabling was ruled out. And the problem was narrowed down to a switch. A specific switch port, to be precise. Now, I’m not exactly sure how one of my NetGear GS506 gigabit switches is managing to drop packets belonging to a specific connection when that connection begins spouting lots of traffic in a certain direction, but that’s exactly what it appears to be doing. And it’s reproducible. So yes, a problem as insidious as this problem should be solved with the sledge, but some tape over port 1 of the switch should do. Thanks for the insight, Doug! And if you see a problem like this, check the switch, even though it doesn’t make any sense.

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Not Much

on Apr.30, 2006, under Happenings

That’s what’s happening. Not Much. I’ve been moving pieces of dead trees around the house, and have a large stack of wood that needs burned as soon as the County, in its infinite wisdom, ends the burn ban. Also trying to get the shed into a usable condition (which will involve burning a large amount of cardboard at some point).

Other than that, I’ve been doing some irritating travel for my employer, and it seems that has not ended. And, as Doug mentioned, we won the CVARC fox hunt the other weekend.

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Computer Stuff

on Mar.18, 2006, under Computers, Linux

The storage capacity upgrade and RAID5-ification has been completed, following a week of computers and their components strewn throughout the house. Having a RAID5 include a linear md as a component was a bit challenging… had to make the kernel not try to assemble the RAID5 automagically, but wait for the mdadm.conf to do it. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of the computer fun this week. Chris had a drive fail in his firewall, and the machine employed various means to make it impossible to install an OS on another drive. Still not sure what its problems are, having spent the afternoon in futile efforts to fix it.

[balleman@oak ~]$ df -h /storage
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      1.5T  739G  729G  51% /storage
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The Future?

on Feb.09, 2006, under Networking

Internet connectivity in the US, particularly rural areas, is awful. And there is really no excuse for it. The Paradox of the Best Network provides some insight into this (thanks to Patrick for the link, via his blog). I also envision general office buildings in the future that provide telecommuters a way to get out of the house and have access to shared resources. And everyone working in the building might be working for a distinct company across the globe. In the mean time, my 1Mbit with extra evil shaping connection to Kuhn and my 11Mbit wireless link to Chris will have to suffice.

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Thoughts on Intelligent Design

on Dec.21, 2005, under Philosophy, Politics

In case you’ve missed it, there has been a bunch of fuss lately about a local school district requiring its biology teachers to read a statement on intelligent design to “balance” the teaching of evolution. This went to federal court which decided that such a statement was in violation of the separation of church and state.

This never made sense to me. Evolution describes a “how” of creation – a means by which life as we know it was brought into existence. Intelligent design describes a “why” of creation – meaning rather than means. They are orthogonal topics, without the ability to be contrasted or balanced as the school board allegedly attempted to do. The Dover School Board was nothing short of incompetent in trying to shove these things together. Intelligent design itself might not be a religious endorsement, but its forced usage in this context certainly would seem to be.

There are still things that should be included in a discussion of evolution, though. Irreducible complexity should at least get a footnote. Irreducible complexity is a concept that doesn’t intend to disprove evolution, but rather to state that there are still things that cannot be explained completely with current theories. The most important concept that can be taught in science is that science changes, and that no theory is above some measure of criticism and doubt. Science isn’t (or shouldn’t be) concerned with facts or truths, but with best explanations and predictions of observations. There are probably cases where you should remind your science teachers of this.

In situations like this, extremes get the coverage. There are many that consider the term evolution to be sacrilege when used in any biological sense. There are others that have their hand on the speed dial for their lawyer every time they think God might be inferred in a classroom. Both are stupid. It might be unfortunate, but it’s definitely a greyscale world, not black-and-white.

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March 2025


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