The Treehouse Blog


(Still) Nothing Happening Here

by on Oct.11, 2004, under Happenings

Yep, not much. Chris and I did some walking on Friday and Saturday. Tried some nifty long-exposure-time pictures on the camera. I still haven’t gotten any good fall foliage pics yet.

School’s a pain. My math and film classes certainly top both CS classes in amount of interest.

Got the passwords moved to the Axim finally. Using it’s TODO capability a good bit. Of course, the volume of incomplete tasks is a bit depressing.

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Nothing happening here.

by on Oct.03, 2004, under Happenings

Well, not much. The family went to Chincoteague/Assateague, VA from last Saturday to Tuesday. I went to CTI on Friday to work with Doug on phone switch changes (nothing new there, really). Chris bought a barebone system and I was helping him with that on Saturday. We also walked around a bit in the mountain today… not nearly as warm as it has been recently. Nice, clear views of the valley though.

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Some Water

by on Sep.19, 2004, under Happenings

We had a thrilling evening on Friday… watching the radar tracking of a possible tornado heading in our direction. Public service frequencies were reporting damage in the area of Oakville, not far away, but that seems to have been the closest. On Saturday, water was the problem. By the afternoon, you wouldn’t be getting to my place by Mountain Road (its bridge was flooded up to the ‘yeild’ signs), Quigley Road (it was flooded… never had seen that before), 696 (it was flooded beside its bridge) or 641 (the water was deck-level, and was flowing across the road next to the bridge). As of Sunday morning, however, all routes were again passable. No real problems here as a result. Playing movies on the new handheld helped to keep me occupied ;).

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Laboring a bit on Labor Day Weekend

by on Sep.06, 2004, under Happenings, Hiking, Technology

Getting some stuff done this labor day, or trying to. Washed and vacuumed the car, swapped out the radio for the one from Chris’s car (now I have a working tape deck, woo!), put a tarp over part of the treehouse’s roof (need to put another one there, too), and so forth. This wasn’t all I did though. We had a breakfast picnic for Katelyn’s birthday on Sunday morning (she’ll be 16…) and today I went hiking on the Tuscarora Trail near Cowan’s Gap state park. The view from the overlook was rather dismal, given that it was all fog/cloud, no vista. It did rain a bit on me on the return trip. I took a different route home… and guess what was along the side of the road? No, not a rattlesnake. A coax repeater hut! In a forested area near state forest land! An expedition will be planned shortly, I’m sure.

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First Day of School

by on Aug.30, 2004, under Happenings

For the year. Actually, it might be my last “First Day of School.” You never know 😉

Since I don’t have homework yet, I’ve been trying to do some of the things that should have been done over the last few weeks. That includes this article, which isn’t about what Doug would have guessed.

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