on Jun.05, 2005, under Happenings
No overly interesting things, just a bunch of little stuff. The job situation is still pending, but I think there has been some positive movement in both areas.
I’m looking for a new GPS, currently leaning towards the Garmin GPSMAP 76S. My old GPS currently gets signal too weak to be useful (most of the time no satellites). It might be possible to fix that (maybe a broken antenna lead, or something), but that would involve breaking into the gasketed case, which might limit its portable use in the future. Things haven’t changed substantially since my brief search last summer. I’ve had to keep my walks limited to less adventerous excursions, but the GPS might still have to wait behind an air conditioner and freezer in the purchase queue.
And Lannic ’05 is this Saturday. I gave the firering a test by throwing a minor picnic for the family this evening, and all went well. Now I need to get the high-speed NetMRG configured, and get the rest of the logistics taken care of. Should be a blast though.